Ulster County Water Quality Coordinating Committee


Background: Under New York Consolidated Laws, County Law CNT § 220-A(link is external), Ulster County Legislature has the power to designate a Water Quality Management Agency. Resolution No. 445(link is external) of 2017 designated the Ulster County Department of the Environment as the County's Water Quality Management Agency. The Department of the Environment, as the Agency, convenes the Ulster County Water Quality Coordinating Committee (WQCC). This Committee is responsible for providing oversight of all water quality programs and related activities in the County, including assessment of the impact of point and non-point source pollution and the appropriateness of monitoring and administrative activities. The WQCC has the responsibility to review and coordinate all county activities which have a substantial impact on water quality management.

Mission: Provide a coordinated and collaborative approach to protect and improve the waters of Ulster County and ensure the resilience of our watershed systems.

Vision: The Ulster County Water Quality Coordinating Committee envisions a resilient watershed system serving the health and welfare of the community and ecosystem within the County and the region.

Meetings: The Ulster County Water Quality Coordinating Committee's current meeting schedule for 2024 is posted below. Email hem@co.ulster.ny.us(link sends e-mail) for additional meeting information.

  • 8/11/2024 Open to Partners
  • 10/14/2024 Committee Members
  • 12/9/2024 Open to Partners

Participating Agencies and County Departments

Relevant Links:

NYS DOS Local Waterfront Revitalization Program: 

https://dos.ny.gov/local-waterfront-revitalization-program?location_counties=56&f[0]=location_filter_term%3A1631 (link is external)